Penguin Zebra Finch for sale
Bird Description & Information:
Penguin Zebra Finch for sale at $95 each.
(Baby 6 weeks – 3 months) (Juvenile 4-5 months) (Adult 6-12 months)
Brown, Grey, White, & Black.
Life Span Average:
5 to 10 years
Size Average:
Small 10 to 11 centimeters
Weight Average:
15 to 30 grams
Noise Level:
Quiet, perfect for apartment living, Males Can Chirp.
Scientific Name:
Taeniopygia Castanotis
Origin or Natural Habitat:
Its optimal to have wide cage with 1/4 inch bar spacing, for enough space to play. Filled Food & Water bowls are needed 24/7 for the bird to stay healthy and hydrated. Toys are a must and treats for the bird to be happy.
Seeds, Pellets, & Fruits shall all be provided 24/7 & be balanced. Cuttle Bone must provided for calcium and vitamin blocks for vitamins. Also water soluble vitamins are optimal, such as the brand Nekton.
Gender Differentiation:
Male black baring on chest and cheek color, while females don’t have these traits. Also males tend to sing, while females not so much. When ordering Zebra Finches please select DNA option to guarantee the gender of the Zebra Finches, Zebra Finches can be homomorphic on certain mutation. If client chooses not to opt-in for DNA, the Avian Specialist Team does their best to select the right birds for our clients based off experience, physical traits, & personality traits.
Small easy to escape.
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