Violet English Budgie for sale (Budgerigar)


DNA from Bird/Parrot is submitted to a lab, determining & guaranteeing the gender of the Bird/Parrot. A DNA Certificate is emailed to client. The process takes 1-2 weeks to complete, this time is added to the order.

Wing feathers are trimmed to the point were the Bird/Parrot cannot fly far away, but might be able still glide. Beware in due time wing feathers will grow back.

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Violet English Budgie for sale

Bird Description & Information:

  • Price:

    Violet English Budgie for sale at $250 each.

  • Age:

    (Baby 3-6 months) (Juvenile 7-11 months) (Adult 12-18 months) Age varies, depending which bird is chosen.

  • Color:

    Violet, Blue, Grey, Black, & White

  • Life Span Average:

    5-7+ years

  • Size Average:

    Small 8-10 inches

  • Weight Average:

    45.3 to 65.3 grams

  • Noise Level:

    Quiet, perfect for apartment living, Can learn to mimic and say words.

  • Personality:

    Social, Calm and laid back.

  • Family:

    Parakeet (Melopsittacus undalutus)

  • Origin:


  • Care:

    It’s optimal to have wide cage with 1/4 inch bar spacing, for enough space to play. Filled Food & Water bowls are needed 24/7 for the bird to stay healthy and hydrated. Toys are a must and treats for the bird to be happy.

  • Diet:

    Seeds, Pellets, Fruits, and Vegetables shall all be provided 24/7 & be balanced. Cuttle Bone must provided for calcium and vitamin blocks for vitamins. Also water soluble vitamins are optimal, such as the brand Nekton.

  • Gender Differentiation:

    (Dimorphic) Budgies can start to hit puberty at 6-12 months of age, but it isn’t recommended to breed them until after 12 months of age. After 12 months of age Budgies are considered adults. A Adult Male Budgie will have blue cere colored nose and a Adult Female Budgie will have a brown /or white cere colored nose. However, on Baby Male Budgies the cere color on the nose can start to turn blue at 3-6 months of age and on Baby Female Budgies cere color on the nose can start to turn brown /or white at 3-6 months of age. Babies under the age of 6 months the cere color on the nose can show light hints of color and as age progresses cere color can change. When ordering Parakeets under age of 6 months please select DNA option to guarantee the gender of the Parakeets, Parakeets can be homomorphic when under the age of 6 months (especially on certain mutations). If client chooses not to opt-in for DNA, the Avian Specialist Team does their best to select the right birds for our clients based off experience, physical traits, & personality traits.

  • Caution:

    Budgies are curious and small, can get lost or even stepped on.

  • Violet English Budgie for sale (Description Image 1) Violet English Budgie for sale (Description Image 2)



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