Military Macaw Parrot for sale
Bird Description & Information:
Military Macaw Parrot for sale at $5500 each.
(Baby 11-24 months) (Juvenile 25-35 months) (Adult 3-5 years) Age varies, depending which bird is chosen.
Green, Red, & Blue.
Life Span Average:
30-70+ years
Size Average:
Large 27-33 inches
Weight Average:
2 lbs
Noise Level:
Loud, Can learn to mimic and say words.
Social, can be affectionate.
Scientific Name:
Military Macaw (Ara Militaris)
Origin or Natural Habitat:
Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Bolivia.
Gender Differentiation:
(Homomorphic) There are three indications to differentiate Male Macaws from Female Macaws. (First is Size) Male Macaws tend to be larger than Females, while Female Macaws tend to be smaller than Males. (Second is Head Shape) Male Macaws head shape tend to be lager & flatter, while Female Macaws head shape tend to be smaller & rounder. (Third is Beak Shape) Male Macaws beak shape tend to be rounder, while Female Macaws tend to have a narrower beak. However these are just indications differentiating Males & Females, this doesn’t guarantee gender of the birds. Male & Female Macaws are homomorphic, Select DNA Check Box for the gender of the birds to be guaranteed & to differentiate Males & Females! If client chooses not to opt-in for DNA, the Avian Specialist Team does their best to select the right birds for our clients based off experience, physical traits, & personality traits.
Its optimal for a Macaw to have very large cage, for enough space to play. Stainless Steel or Powder Coated cages are good. Filled Food & Water bowls are needed 24/7 for the bird to stay healthy and hydrated. Toys are a must and treats for the bird to be happy. Once a week offer a bath in shallow water or mist the bird. Exercise is needed for 2-3 hours a day, let the bird spread its wings and flap its wings to exercise wing muscles. Let the bird walk and climb to exercise legs and feet, also let the bird chew on toys to work on jaw muscles.
Seeds, Pellets, Fruits, and Vegetables shall all be provided 24/7 & be balanced. Cuttle Bone must provided for calcium and vitamin blocks for vitamins. Also water soluble vitamins are optimal, such as the brand Nekton.sexes.
Intermittent screaming, which is quite loud.
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