Orange Head Lady Gouldian Finch for sale


(Purple Chest & Green Back)

DNA from Bird/Parrot is submitted to a lab, determining & guaranteeing the gender of the Bird/Parrot. A DNA Certificate is emailed to client. The process takes 1-2 weeks to complete, this time is added to the order.

Wing feathers are trimmed to the point were the Bird/Parrot cannot fly far away, but might be able still glide. Beware in due time wing feathers will grow back.

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Orange Head Lady Gouldian Finch for sale (Purple Chest & Green Back)

  • Price:

    Green Back, Purple Chest, Orange Head Lady Gouldian Finch for sale at $225 each.

  • Age:

    (Baby 6 weeks – 7 months) (Juvenile 8-11 months) (Adult 12-16 months)

  • Color:

    Orange, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Purple, White, Grey, & Black.

  • Life Span Average:

    +6-8 years

  • Size Average:

    Small 12 to 14 centimeters

  • Weight Average:

    14 to 15 grams

  • Noise Level:

    Quiet, perfect for apartment living, Males can sing & chirp.

  • Personality:

    Calm, Intelligent, Social with other finches.

  • Scientific Name:

    Chloebia Gouldiae

  • Origin or Natural Habitat:


  • Gender Differentiation:

    Adult males have bright purple upper breast feathers & bright yellow lower breast, while adult females have dull purple upper breast & a dull yellow lower breast.

  • Diet:

    Seeds, Pellets, Vegetables, & Fruits shall all be provided 24/7 & be balanced. Cuttle Bone must provided for calcium and vitamin blocks for vitamins. Also water soluble vitamins are optimal, such as the brand Nekton.

  • Care:

    Its optimal to have big cage enough for the finch to be able to fly. Filled Food & Water bowls are needed 24/7 for the bird to stay healthy and hydrated. Toys are a must and treats for the bird to be happy. At least once a week offer a bath in shallow water or mist the bird. Exercise is needed for, let the bird spread its wings and fly to exercise wing muscles.

  • Caution:

    Small easy to escape.

  • Orange Head Lady Gouldian Finch for sale (Description Image 1)Orange Head Lady Gouldian Finch for sale (Description Image 2)



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